Hypnotherapy FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a form of complementary therapy that utilizes the power of positive suggestion to bring about subconscious change to our thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

The process itself aims to alter our state of consciousness in a way that relaxes the conscious part of the mind while simultaneously stimulating and focusing the subconscious part.

This heightened state of awareness – reached using skilled relaxation techniques – allows the therapist to then make appropriate suggestions.

Please view our frequently asked questions.

If you have any other questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind; people are often surprised that they hear every word and could get up and walk out of the room at any moment.

Unless you enter a deeper state, you may not seem any different, just very relaxed.

Most people are surprised at just how relaxing it is.

No. You will hear everything the hypnotist says and you’ll remember everything. We want you to remember because your changes will come from the insight you get during the sessions.

Hypnosis isn’t sleeping, but your hypnotist may use the word sleep. It’s just a fast way of saying go deeply relaxed quickly. Please note: Even if your hypnotist says the word sleep, don’t go to sleep or she will have to wake you up and start the session again.

I have never had a client who didn’t go into hypnosis in my office. It used to be believed that only 20% of the population could be hypnotized. We have since discovered that those numbers are due to lack of technique, understanding, and training of the hypnotist. All you have to do is follow very easy instructions and be of normal intelligence and you’ll go right into a level of hypnosis to do all the processes of the work necessary to get the changes you want.

Two ways:

Automatically and naturally: Human beings are changing all the time in many ways on many levels be it mood, relative health and even level of consciousness. So, you just naturally and automatically go into hypnosis from time to time. It is natural for human beings to go in and out of light, medium and deep hypnosis. Just like when you have been in a great mood and you don’t know where that happiness came from (mood), or you feel tired for no reason then later energetic (health). Hypnosis, too, just seems to happen spontaneously (consciousness).

A hypnotist guides you there: Hypnotists have a number of ways to do hypnotic inductions to help you achieve the deepest levels with ease. A good hypnotist can get you into the hypnotic state in 4 seconds to 4 minutes.

Hypnosis occurs naturally in all human beings. You won’t believe how many times you or your friends or family have been in hypnosis and didn’t know it. After watching this video you’ll be able to spot the state in yourself and others right away. It can be pretty funny sometimes. Here’s just ONE example; A friend of mine was so hypnotized when making looking for ketchup in his refrigerator that he was looking right at the bottle and couldn’t see it. His wife got a big kick out of it!

Also, once again, if hypnosis were not safe you would hear news stories about the terrible things that hypnosis does or is doing to people. No one has ever been harmed by going into the hypnotic state.

In addition, hypnosis has been accepted by the American Medical Association since 1958 and is used for all sorts of issues such as helping children control epileptic seizures, overcoming infertility, IBS, controlling or eliminating pain and skin ailments, finding the cause of depression, anxiety and bad habits and the list goes on and on.

If this is so why don’t more doctors tell patients about hypnosis? Most doctors just don’t think about it because their training is not in this area, but more and more are embracing the idea and we get referrals from doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and therapists all the time.

Gosh if that ever happened don’t you think THAT would have made the news by now? Heaven’s no! No one has ever been stuck in hypnosis. Hypnotists want to get paid so they are very motivated to emerge you after the work is done.
Can the hypnotist make me do something I don’t want to do?

No. You are always in control. If a hypnotist ever gave you a suggestion that you were morally or ethically opposed to you would emerge from hypnosis immediately. And if a hypnotist gives you a suggestion that just isn’t one you want, it just won’t have any effect on you.

1 226 787 4478
3270 Electricity Dr, Suite 217
Windsor, Ontario  N8W 5J1

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